This archive includes the Picklist enhanced listbox, documentation, and a sample program. The files included are: readme.txt - This file picklist.pas - The Picklist control source code picklist.dcu - The Picklist control compiled unit picklist.dcr - The toolbar icon picklist.wri - Documentation in Windows Write format testlb.* - Test project files testpick.* od_test.* To install the control, copy the picklist.pas file to a directory on your Delphi library path and select the Options | Install Component menu item. To run the sample program, create a new directory (recommended) and copy all of the testlb.*, testpick.*, and od_test.* files to it. Run Delphi and open the "testlb" project. Once the Picklist control is installed, you can then just compile and test it out. Questions, comments, and suggestions should be directed to: Bob Fabiszak Compuserve: 70304,2047 Internet: I hope you find the control useful.